V4EMS improving save rates   SmartMan© Skills Testing, Measuring Validation
SmartMan©  Measurement - How SmartMan Measures




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How SmartMan© Measures

The SmartMan© System hooks up a computer to your Ambu Manikin. The whole thing works through a patent pending technical box, cable to connect the manikin to the box and to the computer and proprietary software.

Once connected the Technical Interface Box (TIK) captures the information as you perform skills on the manikin. For example as you perform compressions it measures your compression depth to an accuracy of 1/100th of an inch and your compression rate to an accuracy of 1/100th of a second.

Special patent pending software then analyzes the information and puts it into a format that is easy to read. For example,

As you perform compressions the software gives you an easy to read time graph as you perform on the manikin. Easy to read; Yes - it is color coded so you know at a glance how you are performing.

When you complete your set of compressions, the software does a more detailed analysis of your performance. You can still view review the graph, but you can also view a more detailed explanation of how you performed.

There is also an option to print the report so it can be studied later.

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